University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice (UVMP)
Study Veterinary in Slovakia in English
Why study at University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice?
The only institution providing veterinary education in Slovakia.
Accredited and approved by ECOVE (European Committee of Veterinary Education) on 23 November 2016
13 departments and 5 clinics (small animals; birds, exotic and free living animals; horses; ruminants; swine), which are part of University Veterinary Hospital at the campus, and various special facilities (university farm; equestrian centre; facility for breeding and diseases of game, fish and bees). Besides studying, students have an opportunity to get involved in activities of various interest clubs: Aqua-Terra; cynology and hunting cynology; falconry and raptor rehabilitation; breeding of small mammal and exotic birds; bee breeding; flora and mineralogy club; Hygiena Alimentorum; Slávia sport club, etc
Programmes in English:
Veterinary Nurse,
Animal Science.